Você está em BUSCA / Cone Navegação Internacional

[ Company ]

Cone Navegação e Comércio Internacional

Cone Navegação e Comércio Internacional has been operating in foreign trade since 1984, focusing, firstly, in long course ocean transportation and cabotage/coastside navigation, and later on, in 1990, on integrated industrial logistics.

Segmenting partial or integrated processes of used and new plants, Cone has been able to improve the processes net arising from its acquisition, passing through the technical dismantling and stuffing, containerization and customs clearance, for entering or exiting countries.

Cone believes in transparency and in the sequence of a very elaborated work, emphasizing on the customer's continuous satisfaction.

To us from Cone, quality in carrying out our activities is not only part what we mean by “logistics”, but it is an integral part of our work proposal as well, which is summarized in the global management operative system, containing Integrated Industrial Logistics (I.I.L.).

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Rodovia Stael Mary Bicalho Motta Magalhães, 345, 1º andar
CEP 30320-760 - Belo Horizonte / MG - Brasil
