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I.I.L - Integrated industrial Logistics

Feasibility Planning

Methodical analysis, for the Customer´s full understanding of the logistic system, as well as his interaction with it, defining parameters. Technical Study of the goods to be imported or exported, including analysis of special regimes, legislations, options of tax renouncements and exchange strategy. Cost estimates and schedules, with definition of the integrated logistic circuit

Import / Export

Analysis of applicable tax/legal incentives and benefits Export Licensing (R.E) and Import (L.I) issuing new and used (acording DECEX NR.8 decree) Analysis of Letter of credit Special Customs Regimes Import and Export Customs Clearance and currency exchange Drawback Record of financial operations.

Management of Technical Delivery

Follow-up of the entire industrial logistics chain, since dismantling, shipment, until the final delivery to the Customer. Assistance in the developing flow of the project, emphasizing on a fast and quality service. On-line monitoring through Tracking Station, real-time follow-up of the entire developed chain, being it partial or integral. Accomplishing with the pre-defined budgetary goals, follow-up to conclusion. (Precon). Appropriation of the requirements to operational segments, previously defined in I.I.L. Tracking and development of the delivery and return (containers) with measurement of time.

Operating Overseas

Mounting and dismantling of new and used. plants. (permanent or temporary service). Consolidation, technical stuffing and containerization. Inland global service . Checking and control, packing list. Terminal Services Overseas, storage (in door / out door ).

Storage and Distribuition Center

Receipt and administration of goods imported or national. Systemic allocation, including division according to priority and necessity. Occurrence of Reports, according to the attended needs, in real time Tracking Station.

Tracking Station

Real time follow-up of the entire production process, acting in partnership with suppliers and all intermediates in the real information segment. Application of on-line Report, situating the product within the integrated industrial logistics I.I.L, chain.

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Rodovia Stael Mary Bicalho Motta Magalhães, 345, 1º andar
CEP 30320-760 - Belo Horizonte / MG - Brasil
